1. Primal Scream @ jessINK
2. Primal Scream Official Blog (more info)
3. My own answers to the Q&A on "the art of erotic writing"
I'll continue posting author interviews on this blog, as and when they come in :)
A collection of erotic short stories.
“I am very put off by the notion of 'literate smut', as if any porn is intellectual, that erotica needs to have a high and low art distinction. I think this is just a pretentious way for people to excuse their taste for pornography.”
-- originally posted on http://www.barbelith.com/topic/925
"His eyes bored into me as he bent once more and lifted the other leg. Frantic now, my hands had a death grip upon the overhead chain. He nestled my calves against his waist, his hands strong as he held me in place. His eyes were intense, demanding.
“Do you trust me?”
I nodded slowly. “Yes.”
“Let go of the chain.”
Wordlessly, without pause or thought, my eyes locked upon him. Then I released the supporting chain. In slow motion I felt my body falling. The chains tightened about me; I knew I was going to be severely damaged."
"Would she ever dare to tell him that no pleasure, no joy, no figment of her imagination could ever compete with the happiness she felt at the way he used her with such utter freedom, at the notion that he could do anything with her, that there was no limit, no restriction in the manner with which, on her body, he might search for pleasure."
-- Pauline Réage, The Story of O
“I am very put off by the notion of 'literate smut', as if any porn is intellectual, that erotica needs to have a high and low art distinction. I think this is just a pretentious way for people to excuse their taste for pornography.”
-- originally posted on http://www.barbelith.com/topic/925
"Starr released a low and animal noise as he bit her harder, almost like a small creature that had gotten caught in a painful trap, but liked it. She wanted to call out for him to test her further, ravish her and leave her with nothing but aches and bruises. She wanted to put his strong hands around her throat and leave everything up to trust, but she didn’t dare."
"She placed a hundred burning kisses on his face and chest, and then she was above him, straddling him, gasping and laughing, sweating and slippery as a minnow, and he was arching and pushing and exulting, his head full of her and only her, and had he known her name he would have called it out aloud."
-- Neil Gaiman, Stardust
“I am very put off by the notion of 'literate smut', as if any porn is intellectual, that erotica needs to have a high and low art distinction. I think this is just a pretentious way for people to excuse their taste for pornography.”
-- originally posted on http://www.barbelith.com/topic/925
An excerpt from my poem 'Submission':
A whip is a utensil, a dildo just a tool,
It is what lurks between your ears, that makes you, sub or Dom/me or fool!
So tell me my dear play thing, what goes on in your head,
What fires your blood and helps you live your fantasies in bed?
My money's on that grey stuff that's found between your ears,
That's the key to throbbing cock, pained whimpers or to tears.
Now pet I'm going to tell you, what lays in store tonight,
In exquisite detail for your delectation, and delight.
Caressing your libido with just my velvet tongue,
To prove cerebral stimulation's not wasted on the young.
I'll string together phrases, with the finest of detail,
Believe me when I say you'll beg before you reach the Holy Grail.
From poetry to prose I like to make people think and feel more passionately...
'Bestiality Carter was in fact very kind to animals.' -- Lords and Ladies, by Terry Pratchett
“I am very put off by the notion of 'literate smut', as if any porn is intellectual, that erotica needs to have a high and low art distinction. I think this is just a pretentious way for people to excuse their taste for pornography.”
-- originally posted on http://www.barbelith.com/topic/925
“Elaine…” I whispered, “Elaine…”
“Do you want to… make love?”
The question hung on the wind for what seemed like an hour.
“Yes… no… Oh God, Zack, I don’t know,” she said, and grabbed me, toppling us to the sand.
-- from Wet Goddess, of a remarkable female dolphin who convinced the narrator that dolphins have every bit as much, if not more, awareness and intelligence as human beings.
"I was determined to have done with conjecture and discover the truth, even if, as I believed it would, the truth proved incomprehensible."
-- Stanislaw Lem, from Solaris (1961). It is the only book I have ever read that kept me up all night reading, because it relates so strongly to my own experience of another, non-human intelligence.