Redhead Picture by Ramona
Here's something a little different for this blog -- I had my first Q&A with a fellow author (I haven't done the asking before).
Let's give a warm welcome today to Wicked Redhead/Christine Kirchoff, author of Science Fiction and Erotica! Her website is http://christinekirchoff.wordpress.com/.
Q&A with Wicked Redhead
Jess: What do you like (and/or dislike) about writing erotica/erotic fiction?
Wicked Redhead: I enjoy everything about erotica, the sensual atmosphere, the creation unfolding on screen, and the ability to excite readers. Dislike is a little harder to pinpoint, headaches from hours of staring at the lit screen and some crude comments are becoming familiar territory.
2) It'd be interesting, to see what great masterpieces certain crude commenters have come up with. What is the most important aspect of erotic writing, to you?
The story, it’s always the story revealed. The sex has to be good, yes, and the details well written but the characters have to be whole. They have to pull at your heartstrings when they’re sad or wet your desire when they cum. I love how a happy or tragic ending can stay in your mind for days.
3) Who are some of your favorite authors?
I try to pick up a new author a few times a year, there are so many that I can’t keep up. As for my favorites, the books I buy without even reading the jacket because I know they’ll be fantastic are…Laurell K. Hamiton, Shayla Black, Lori Foster, Lora Leigh, Christine Warren, Christina Dodd, Gena Showalter, …that’s just to name some of the top individuals.
4) How long have you been writing flash fiction and what are your thoughts about being successful in the form?
I’ve only been writing it for about a year professionally. I dabbled in flash for a while but never seriously contemplating their success. I wrote my first real erotica at the end of last year (2008). I showed it to a few people and apparently, it was a hit. I never realized how off kilter my mind works from others or that I’d be able to transfer my imagination onto the computer screen. Sex in a Bubble, which will be published in November, is the first one I wanted to perfect and submit. Writing to me is exhilarating. Editing, however, is becoming the bane of my existence. Thankfully, I have a very good friend who doesn’t mind sharing his thoughts and editing skills.
5) What attracts you to Science Fiction and Erotica vs. other genres?
I honestly don’t know the answer to that one. I find I read, write, watch TV, movies with science fiction or erotic subjects. That’s just what my mind gravitates towards.
6) Ah, it's always nice to follow one's natural instincts ;). Speaking about instincts/naturality -- do you need to be in a specific place or atmosphere before the words flow?
Alone and quiet works best. My house is always busy with something so I tend to write at night when the world descends to sleep. I do like some music on, depending on which scene I’m working, but that’s about it.
7) Do elaborate on being a "wicked redhead".
Besides having red hair I have the personality to match. I can be feisty, wild, or just plain wicked. I started that name on my blog, just something that would truly describe me and it stuck.
8) What is the #1 tip you would give to anyone who likes to write?
Trust in yourself and try your hardest to work your way through the BS that’s in life.
9) I read on your blog that you are currently working on a novel. Please tell us more about it!
Once Upon a Mate is progressing, the rough draft almost complete! Lake George, New York with all its beauty holds a secret, seven of them actually. Seven half-human experiments have escaped the laboratories to find and rescue their mates from their enemies. Avery is the oldest, part wolf and is desperate to find his mate Violet. They soon meet in a collision of gunfire and irresistible lust. They have to work through their insecurities and outlast their hunters. Orgasms roar, betrayals scorch and their love forces the world into a new era of survival.
Thank you so much to Wicked Redhead for the lovely interview! Be sure to check out some of her published work @ http://christinekirchoff.wordpress.com/.